This is how graduates find out about employers and jobs

Are you looking for a job after graduation? When it comes to finding out about employers, a company's website is the number one stop for graduates. This is the result of the graduate study. It examined the career and professional aspirations of around 600 students who are about to graduate.

Recruiting apps are of no interest.

A company's website is the very first point of contact for university graduates when it comes to finding out more about an employer or looking for a job after graduation: 94 percent of the students surveyed by they said they took a look at the website for information to pick up on employment and career opportunities. Half of the respondents stated career fairs for getting to know potential employers to use as many students use online job portals to look for vacancies. The ultimate recruiting flop: apps. Only three percent use recruiting apps as an information channel.

Information in many ways

Graduates do not rely on a single source of information, however. They count on a broad mix of channels from which they obtain information about employers. For many, searching on Google is the first step in getting information: 39 percent of students use the search engine. Employers who do not pay any attention to their Google ranking are missing out on great opportunities here. Business networks on the web are used by around a third of those surveyed, while only eleven percent use private social networks such as Facebook & Co.

Tell me: how does it work there?

For almost half of them, word of mouth is a preferred way of finding out about a company: they interview employees who are friends of the job they are considering as a graduate. One in five also uses employer rating portals, just as many use media reports. Turning employees into ambassadors for your employer brand is therefore becoming increasingly important.

Self Development: How to Promote Yourself

We know from psychology that the first years of a person's life are the most formative. Parents and confidants teach children skills that are essential for later adult life. This includes many social skills that have a much more significant impact on the career than is sometimes assumed. We do not always have the skills relevant for professional life or a particular position—the good thing: you never stop learning. You can actively approach your self-development and promote yourself. You can find out what options you have here.

Self-development definition: 4 areas of change

Self-development can mean many things, depending on what your focus is. It can be roughly divided into four areas:

Self-development as personality development

This should rather be understood as social skills that are related to one's personality. This partially quite abstract area has already been mentioned above. Personality development plays an essential role in contact with other people and contributes to success or failure. It is impossible to say precisely which property is more important or that it must only be specific properties.

Experience has shown, for example, that assertiveness is a quality that is important for professional success. If you want to advance in the company, you might want to work on it. On the other hand, soft skills such as the ability to work in a team are worth improving. So it is not an either-or, but rather an "also."

Self-development as self-coaching

This form of self-development is much more tangible. This refers to the methods of self-coaching. Here, self-development can be understood as synonymous with self-management, self-coaching, and time management.

Depending on which area you want to change, change your routines and lifestyle. You want to do something for your health, so incorporate more exercise into your schedule. You want to lose weight, so incorporate healthier foods into your diet. You never get by with your time and are constantly chasing deadlines, so get on with the uncomfortable tasks first and then move on to the pleasant ones. Then turn off the time wasters and eliminate them.

Self-development as further training

Self-development can also mean lifelong learning. You have noticed that the activities in your old job no longer satisfy you. There are many opportunities for change here. For example, a further training course is conceivable. You can build on existing knowledge in your profession and gain additional qualifications, for example, to be able to occupy a management position later.

You can also do further training in a completely different area because you are planning a job change.

Self-development as a search for meaning

This form of self-development is similar to personality development. Still, the difference here is in intention. Some associate the acquisition of social skills with specific professional desires or personal success.

Others, on the other hand, are more spiritually searching for meaning. Quite a few people now combine work, private life, and spirituality. Zen Buddhism is one of the spiritual currents that is enjoying increasing popularity, especially among executives. It is practiced in the West as a possibility for meditation and enlightenment and is supposed to protect against burnout, among other things.

Self-Development: Recognizing the Need

When the facility and its surroundings shape a person, it is also clear that not all people are endowed with the same skills. For example, those who grew up in an emotionally cold home and received little recognition and attention will not infrequently have a low level of self-esteem. What "only" causes difficulties in social contact during school hours can have lasting effects in later professional life. How should someone who is technically absolutely qualified, but on the other hand nothing trusts, executives are?

The starting conditions are not always ideal. Parents who are not familiar with the education system and the local opportunities will be sent to secondary school. However, their intellectual abilities would have made it possible for them to graduate from high school. Feelings of inferiority and secondary school qualifications impact career choice: Supposedly demanding jobs are not even considered. People remain below their possibilities.

As long as no one is bothered, including yourself, there is no need to change anything. However, if you want more out of life, you need to be active in your self-development. Whining can give you short-term relief. But in the long run, it won't help you and only annoys others.

Consolidation of character and satisfaction

Due to the demands of a more complex working life, some may feel the desire to make some changes in their life with self-development. That is entirely legitimate and future-oriented because, in fact, new technical inventions always pose new challenges for us. And it is well known that flexibility decreases with increasing age. The personality is considered to be established from around 30, but personality traits such as openness also reduce in old age. Until then, you can still change something about yourself to a certain extent.

The focus here should not be on compulsive self-optimization. Instead, self-development opens up the possibility of consolidating your character and becoming more satisfied, for example, by examining your goals, hopes, and desires and thinking about what to do. This includes that identify and activate your resources. Where do you draw strength from? Who is supporting you? What is preventing you from progressing? Such questions are a start.

Self-development as a maturation process

Self-development is a maturation process that takes place on the "path to the true self." Imagine that figuratively as a gift that is not wrapped but unwrapped, in the truest sense of the word un-wrapped is. You develop your potential and what has always been in you comes to light, but which has remained hidden from the eye. With a planned self-development, you will become what you want to be. That presupposes self-reflection and self-knowledge. This includes questions like:

  • Who am I?
  • What makes me
  • What are my strengths and weaknesses?
  • How do I want to be
  • What did I achieve?
  • What do I want to change?
  • What am I ready to do for it?
  • What is important to me
  • What is easy for me, what is difficult?
  • How can I go about something?

Self-development is a decision.

Honestly applied, such a cash drop in life is not always pleasant. Sometimes uncomfortable truths come to light, and personal deficits are revealed. But from any point, it is time for self-responsibility to take over. You cannot always blame circumstances or others for your problems. It is up to you to deal with, for example, professional difficulties, non-functioning partnerships, or weaknesses in character. This includes making decisions and making them consciously.

Self-development: do you have the courage to change?

Quite a few people shy away from it - often out of fear of doing something wrong. The disadvantage: In that case, someone else decides for you, and you make yourself dependent on the circumstances. Self-development, therefore, requires the courage to change. You have to leave the comfort zone that gave you security until now.

Example: You urgently need a vehicle. You are interested in two used vehicles but are hesitating to decide because you are not sure. They both look equally good, but you can only buy one car. You wait until someone else buys one of the two cars, and you no longer have a choice. You have to take what's left. This example seems succinct. But what if you find out in retrospect that the leftover used car was the worse choice after all? And whoever finds it challenging to make decisions as a whole will also have problems with significantly more critical questions in life. It is by no means the case that all decisions that are not made or made incorrectly have irreversible consequences.

Perfect resume: the most common mistakes and how to avoid them

The core of every application is the resume. It is no longer a secret that recruiters sometimes skim a cover letter. What they always study, however, is the resume. So it's worth investing time in designing your CV. Today you will find out which mistakes happen to you most often and how to pimp your resume.

Your resume not only ends up on the desks of local HR managers but often also in our pop-up CV checks. These CV checks regularly stop at events such as career fairs or universities and technical colleges to subject your CVs to a detailed examination. We look through several hundred resumes with you over a year.

I was continuing the theme of the perfect resume. Recently, I've been surfing the internet looking for ready-made resume templates. Some were pretentious, and some were outdated. And then, I came across a completely new and fresh look at the design of the resume. They were great modern templates like this artist resume template. I was pleasantly surprised to find this resume template.

Quick fixes for your resume

We review hundreds of checked CVs and tell you today which mistakes are most familiar to applicants and how you can whip up your CV.

Full contact details

The email address is there, the phone number is missing - or vice versa. In many resumes, full contact details are missing. This includes the postal address, email, and telephone number.

  • It is advisable to give the complete area code (including the country code) - mainly if you apply to large corporations.
  • You also leave the first impression with your email address. Choose a professional address that contains your first and last name if possible, and avoid talks with nicknames or fancy names.
  • If your resume extends over more than one page, you can also insert your contact details on the second page at the bottom of the top.

The thing with the photo

CVs without photos have not yet established themselves in practice - at least not in Austria. So if you have to include a picture, then it should be a good one.

  • Keep your photo as up-to-date as possible, do not send applications with images that are getting on in years.
  • Cell phone snapshots are taboo, but they still appear again and again in CVs.
  • In a white T-shirt, in front of a white house wall, every HR manager will see that this picture was a quick fix in bright sunshine.
  • Be authentic and have several picture variants ready. A portrait in a business suit with an updo does not fit every job or employer.

Ensure a clear structure

The challenge with a resume is to pack jobs, further training, and a piece of personality on a maximum of two pages. And the whole thing clearly and neatly.

  • Always state professional stations, schools, universities, and universities of applied sciences in reverse chronological order.
  • Stick to one font and use no more than two different font sizes
  • Structures the CV with the help of paragraphs
  • Don't keep headings too general. You can subdivide sub-items such as "other" into hobbies, projects, or voluntary activities.
  • The problem of too much text cannot be solved with a tiny font.
  • Either enter complete dates with day, month, and year or use the month/year information. Years alone are not enough.

Your training and further education

Sometimes the only thing missing is little things that you as an applicant don't even think about. However, the HR manager also quickly notices minor errors.

  • Always write out the names of institutions such as universities or technical colleges.
  • You no longer have to include information about the primary school you attended in your resume.
  • Check all data on completed training courses again: Does the given completion date match that on the certificate, etc.
  • Only list those languages ​​in your CV that you speak. If there is nothing left of the school French - it is better to remove it from the resume. In addition: Be honest about your knowledge of a language yourself.

Previous employers

Particularly interesting for every interested company: Where have you worked so far and what have you done in these jobs? However, the naming of previous professional positions is not always correct.

  • Be sure to state the names of the employers fully and correctly. For each position, write whether it was a complete, part-time, or internship position.
  • Some job titles are more meaningful, others less. How much additional information you have to give for each position is individually very different. In any case, be brief and do not explain anything that is not already evident from the job title.

Hobbies and Interests

The majority of employers appreciate finding out private information about the applicant from their resume. Mentioning hobbies and personal interests is an excellent opportunity to make yourself attractive as a personality.

However, interests that are kept too general say little about you. Travel, literature, cycling - it can be a lot. Use this point on your resume to tell a story: You not only enjoy cycling, but you also cycle regularly across an entire country. You don't just read, and you appreciate British crime fiction. You are not a package holidaymaker but prefer to travel spontaneously through the world with a backpack.

This is how graduates find out about employers and jobs

Are you looking for a job after graduation? When it comes to finding out about employers, a company's website is the number one stop for...